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MMOexp: It starts in the center of the tree of passive abilitiesallowing complete

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Registriert: 25. Mai 2024, 09:56

MMOexp: It starts in the center of the tree of passive abilitiesallowing complete

Beitrag von AventurineLe » 25. Mai 2024, 10:00

Scion - a fully hybrid class in the game that puts the emphasis on each of Path of exile currency three characteristics. It starts in the center of the tree of passive abilitiesallowing complete freedom. The startup parameters of the course are: 20 Power, 20 Dexterity and 20 Intelligence. Scion as the only type is not available from the game's beginning - it unlocks as the story progresses.

Ranger - the second of the"clean" classes, highlighting the Dexterity feature, i.e. dexterity. Light bows and weapons, as well as armor providing a bonus, which makes it hard and agile to hit. The beginning attributes of the Ranger course are: 32 Dexterity 14 Power and 14 Intelligence.

Duelist - yet another hybrid character that puts the emphasis on Dexterity and Strength features. A melee character that deals significant damage like Marauder, but in the same time fragile and agile like Ranger. The value of the first characteristics is: 23 Dexterity 23 Power and 14 Intelligence.

Witch - that the witch is the last of their"pure" classes, highlighting the Intelligence parameter, i.e. intelligence. In battle, he utilizes wands and armor to supply an energy shield. The value of Path of exile currency for sale the first attributes of the figures in this course is: 14 Dexterity 14 Strength and 32 Intelligence.
