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MMOexp: You'll see a list of items on the right side of the screen

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MMOexp: You'll see a list of items on the right side of the screen

Beitrag von AventurineLe » 25. Mai 2024, 09:59

You'll see a list of items on the right side of Skull and Bones Items the screen. You'll also likely see two sections: In Plentiful Supply and Highest In Demand. The “Highest in Demand“ items sell for greater amounts in that region, and “In Plentiful Supply“ will sell for significantly less. It's important to note that you'll need to do some exploring before you see this information; simply showing up in the area once isn't enough.

The process doesn't end there. When you arrive at one of the zone's ports of call, take the commodities you want to sell from your cargo and bring them to the port. Most places have two merchants: one by the docks and one at the inland camp. Check both, and before you sell, look at the arrows underneath each item.

If you see red, downward pointing arrows, they will sell for less. Ideally, you want to see one or two upward-facing green arrows. That's how you know you're going to make more money.

In most cases, your best bet will be the Commodity Trader. As you navigate the game, you'll come across a variety of loot. It will be up to you to find the best places to buy and sell these items wisely.

Also, keep an eye out at the Commodity Trader for items that are in very high supply. You can buy those cheap and sell them in other areas for a much larger profit if you pay attention to Skull and Bones Items for sale what ports need what items.
